“On December 16, 2017, at 58 years old, I faced a clogged coronary artery. This was 18 months after my husband died of terminal cancer after a two year battle. My health had been put on hold through his diagnosis and treatment until this date, and frankly, I wasn’t in great shape before his diagnosis.
It began when I was admitted to the hospital and convinced to stay because my heart enzymes were elevated with a host of symptoms. After a visit from the cardiac doctor two days later, I was scheduled for a heart catharization. This procedure revealed one 80-90% blocked artery and one that had some plaque build up. A stent was placed and medicine prescribed, followed by cardiac rehab for 12 weeks. I tried to become involved in dance club, but unfortunately I broke my foot halfway through rehab. My friend nudged me to join the Y and come to classes with her. I tried several, including the walking class, which is the one I continue to enjoy and participate in on a regular basis. Alicia (Fergus) has been such an encouragement to me.
When I began the class, I could barely keep up. Now one year after my stent placement, I am growing stronger with each class. All of my vitals are down within normal range and I have been able to go off of one of the heart medicines. My goal over the next few years is to be able to be off of all medicine.
In May, I was ordered to remove sugar, carbs, and starches from my diet, which were the cause of my systemic inflammation. I experienced relief within two weeks of removing these types of foods from my diet. The upside of not eating these foods – I have lost over 50lbs! So diet, exercise, loving friends, and a deep faith in GOD, can turn an unhealthy body into a body ready to age respectfully!”